Critical Reception
Q&A with Ingrid Andersson, author of the poetry collection, 'Jordemoder: Poems of a Midwife'
Madison Magazine
“'Poetry is a liquid, and a poem is a vessel.' That quote by essayist Elisa Gabbert aptly distills what poet Ingrid Andersson believes is the life force connecting us all, an undercurrent she witnesses daily both through the act of writing and in her work as a certified nurse midwife."
Jordermoder: Poems of a Midwife
Reviewed by Lin Salisbury
Superior Reads
"Ingrid Andersson is a midwife and a poet and her debut poetry collection, Jordemoder, Poems of a Midwife will be released in April from Holy Cow! Press. Divided into sections: Daughter, Midwife, Mother, Immigrant, and Home, Andersson’s poems give voice to a life lived with open hands."
[University of Wisconsin-Madison] Alumna Ingrid Andersson talks about her recently published poetry book . . . and the journey that has led her to writing it.
"Jordemoder, an old Swedish term for “midwife”, translates to earth-mother. In Andersson’s words, 'Jordemoder is a word that reflects my practice as a midwife and as a poet, and that is why it seemed right for the book title. I could use words such as “ecological midwife” and “eco-poet,” but there’s nothing special or trendy about what I do – it’s the same messy world of complicated emotional and physical processes, blood and other bodily fluids that it’s always been, and we’re all in it together.'”