Jordemoder is an age-old Swedish word for midwife. It translates to earth/land/world mother and speaks to Ingrid Andersson's practice both as a poet and an ecological midwife.
Twice nominated for a Pushcart Prize and winner of an Editor's Choice Award, Ingrid's writing has been published in journals and anthologies nationally and internationally. Her poetry has appeared in About Place Journal, Ars Medica, Eastern Iowa Review, Intima, Literary Mama, Midwest Review, Mom Egg Review, Wisconsin People & Ideas and more. Ingrid is the founder of Mothers' Milk Alliance, Inc. and cofounder of Pregnancy Options Wisconsin: Education, Resources & Support, Inc. As a licensed nurse midwife, she has caught more than 1000 babies at home.
Ingrid lives in Madison, Wisconsin with her husband,
son, dogs, chickens and bees.
Jordemoder: Poems of a Midwife is published
by Holy Cow! Press in Duluth, MN.

"Cardamom buns baked on parchment,
percolated coffee in thin-lipped cups
a porcelain pitcher of cream, and
reflecting a south Chicago sun, ... "